Virginia Sons of Liberty- What we're about

We want to introduce you to the Virginia Sons of Liberty. Our mission is to defend every detail of our Constitutional freedoms, to hold our politicians accountable to defend those freedoms, and to motivate American patriots to take back our culture and our heritage of freedom.

We will be highlighting efforts by politicians in Washington and Richmond to undermine our freedoms, and supporting those who defend our liberties. For the next two weeks, much of our focus will be on the upcoming Virginia Republican convention, where crucial decisions will be made for the future of the Republican Party in Virginia. But after May 30, we will be offering action plans, spotlighting legislation that deserves your support or opposition, and offering a clear conservative vision for a return to the majority in America.

May we again be the shining city on a hill that President Reagan envisioned!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Corrected Links

We apologize for some faulty links in the previous post regarding the guidebooks.

Below, we have corrected these for your convenience.

"Frankly, the Lieutenant Governor has not seen the guidebook and it would have made no difference to him" click here

"We are sorry this has occurred and wish it had not happened. We have contacted the publisher of the guidebook and extended an apology for the cancellation of the order" click here

the campaigns statement was praised by

Mr. Muldoon's proposal to defend traditional marriage can be seen here

Traditional Marriage..Which Candidate will strongly defend it?

The Virginia Sons of Liberty were created in part to react to the threat from government, and to alert us all of untoward acts by elected leadership.
We are continuing to focus on the upcoming Republican Convention.

In that light, we have uncovered more disturbing facts regarding one of our statewide candidates.
Our Lieutenant Governor, Bill Bolling has a reputation as a pro-family, pro-life, anti-government conservative, and we have no reason to question his heart, beliefs or motivation.
We have, however, discovered information that appears to reveal another side of the Bolling campaign versus the imagery and slogans used in campaign season.
We are sure you have seen the back and forth between the campaigns of Bolling and Muldoon, and we are confident in your ability to sort through the information and make the right decision given all the information.

Our incident has it's genesis at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis last year, where the Bolling campaign purchased guidebooks to Minneapolis nightlife to give as gifts to Virginia's delegation to the National Convention.
The campaign ordered an advance copy of the guidebook, only for the staffer to discover page after page of pornographic homosexual advertisement.
Bill's political director was the staffer to place the order for the books and receive the advance copy.
She rightly returned the copy, cancelled the order, explaining to the publisher that..."Having a section dedicated solely to GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual transgender) will be a BIG problem for many of our folks. We simply can't hand them out,"

The publisher conveniently went to the local ABC affiliate in Minneapolis with the story, Bolling's campaign was contacted and asked for comment, and here is the only official statement ever issued from the Bolling campaign on this topic.
From Bolling's Chief of Staff, Randy Marcus;

"Here is the background on the guidebooks situation. The guidebooks had not been ordered by the Virginia delegation to the Republican National Convention. The guidebooks had been ordered by our campaign and were going to be presented as a gift to Virginia delegates from the Lieutenant Governor. After receiving and reviewing a sample of the guidebook a staff member decided to cancel the order and order a different guidebook. The Lieutenant Governor was not aware of the decision. Frankly, the Lieutenant Governor has not seen the guidebook and it would have made no difference to him."

We are sorry that this has occurred and wish it had not happened. We have contacted the publisher of the guidebook and extended an apology for the cancellation of the order. We have also agreed to reimburse the publisher for any expenses they incurred as a result of the cancellation. "

Despite numerous calls from GOP leaders to repudiate the official Marcus statement and defend Busse, Bolling has refused to do so. As a reward, the campaign's statement was praised by as follows:

"I greatly appreciate Mr. Marcus' sincerity in speaking with me about the issue and am grateful for his time. I realize many times discrimination against the LGBT community is a very serious problem, but I am certain, that is not the case here."

We are predictably shocked that the campaign refuses to stand behind the staffer, as if she did something wrong returning the materials.

We are more shocked at the admission that it " would have made no difference to him"!
If Mr. Bolling considers it a risk to defend the correct staff decision to return the offensive material, it begs the question will he consider it a risk to do what it takes to protect Virginia's marriage amendment from rogue courts in other states?
Under the Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution, states are required to recognize "marriages" from other states.
We must have conservatives in office who are willing to do anything it takes to defend it.

Not to mention, if we allow our own elected leaders to so blur the line between us and the Democrats that it is barely distinguishable, we have only ourselves to blame when the people of Virginia no longer believe us when we say we are the party of values
Just as the national Republicans lost all respect with the American people by protecting such hypocritical behavior as Ted Stevens, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, the list goes on, so we Virginia Republicans will lose all respect with our voter base if we claim to be for family values, but knuckle under at the first sign of controversy.

To do what is right often causes controversy, and if our values are even not worth weathering a little controversy, are they worth having at all?

We believe that family values are worth fighting for, that they contributed greatly to the foundation upon which our great Republic was constructed, and that the family is the training ground for successful, law-abiding, moral and virtuous citizens, reflecting the great moral values and traditions of our nation.

The family is where our kids develop their worldview, and where values are passed on from generation to generation.
We believe that we adults must set the example for our children, not with rhetoric and speeches only, but with our actions, and living out our values before them on a daily basis.

We believe that our elected leaders bear a great responsibility to set an example for those who follow, and that we Republicans should take pride in leading the way for moral values and holding ourselves to the very highest of standards.

We understand that our elected leaders are ultimately a reflection of us, and we believe that reflection should show a party that loves, respects and reveres those values that set us apart from all other nations of the world.

This issue may not be a problem for some of you, and if not, that is certainly your right;
We just want to make sure you have all the information necessary for an informed decision.

Regardless, we deserve the truth about those whom we will be nominating to carry the public standard of OUR party, and more importantly preserve our freedom and liberty, and as such we will continue to serve you as best we can, and get you as much information as we can provide in the remaining days before the convention.

As always, you can go to our blog for more information on the candidates and their positions and actions, most of which they have seen fit not to advertise for obvious political reasons.
Mr. Muldoon's proposals to defend traditional marriage can be seen here

Virginia Sons of Liberty.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

John Brownlee Has Questions to Answer

Our research has overturned some stones leading us to believe that John Brownlee at the very least needs to answer some tough questions regarding his status as a Republican.

A lot of people run for office as Republicans in Virginia, because it does give one a leg up in the general election most of the time.
It turns out Brownlee has been voting in Democrat primaries;
He does give an excuse that Susan Allen, wife of former Senator George Allen asked him to do so, and it is possible that is true given the fact that Allen probably thought at the time that Jim Webb was the preferable general election opponent against whom to run.

But this new info, if true certainly calls for Brownlee to answer the question 'are you really one of us', if he wants to earn delegate votes against a man with as incredible a conservative record as Cuccinelli .
As FoxNews would say, we report, you decide!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Democrat Fundraiser Finally Convicted

We wonder if Norman Hsu will make the same headlines Jack Abramhoff made!
Something tells us.............not likely, unless the media can find a Republican to tie to the scandal somehow.
Not that the press is biased or anything silly like that.........
Read the story here

Stanley Seems to Offer a Distinct Contrast to the Obama Socialists.

Franklin County GOP chairman Bill Stanley recently kicked off his campaign for Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia with a stirring call to basic values. Rather than preaching the old "Big Tent" nonsense the press preaches, if his words are an indication of his values, Stanley seems to offer a distinct contrast to the Obama socialists. Read some excerpts from his announcement speech below and see if they don't strike a chord.

"Because Republicans love America, we must not abandon or discount the core beliefs that are essential to the future success and prosperity of our nation. Conservative principles that require an adherence to fiscal responsibility and limited government will never be outmoded. Traditional values that respect the foundations of Western Civilization and faith in God will never be obsolete."

"If Republicans are going to win elections, we must have the confidence of our convictions and a willingness to promote them at every level of government. And, we cannot abandon those convictions simply because they are unfashionable among those who enjoy an elite status in American society."

"People do not hold conservative principles and believe in traditional values because they are fashionable. They adhere to their core convictions because they are proven, having served mankind well for thousands of years and being a way of life for a majority of our countrymen."

"The Republican Party of Virginia can only succeed if it wholeheartedly embraces the core beliefs of its volunteers, activists and members. Those who comprise our grassroots are proud of their beliefs, confident in their convictions, and unafraid of the future. They deserve a party that reflects and represents them, promoting their principles and values to the entire Commonwealth."

If this is the shape of things to come at RPV, we see a renewed majority in the future!

Cuccinelli Delegates Energize the Republican Party

Whatever the outcome of the Attorney General nomination, Ken Cuccinelli has done Virginia Republicans one big favor.

This will be the largest state convention since the Ollie North outpouring in 1994, 15 years ago. And of the thousands of first-time activists Cuccinelli has drawn into our party, most of them are not defeatist moderates looking to mend fences with the Obama socialist Democrats.

Ken's ranks have been swelled by pro-life activists, homeschoolers, and Marriage Amendment supporters. These are the excited, energetic folks who can counter the idol-worshipping Obamamaniacs. They will bring an energy to the fall campaign that will provide coattails to the top of the ticket.

It would behoove the GOP ticket this fall to make these new folks feel welcome. Let's not let this energy get away!

Energy Independence- A Winning Issue for Republicans

GOP lieutenant governor candidate Patrick Muldoon has hit a real nerve with his frontal assault on Barack Obama’s massive new “global warming tax.” Remember last summer, with gas prices at $4 and climbing, and analysts predicting that gasoline would soon hit $12 a gallon? Well, now Obama proposes to enact massive new taxes on any form of energy that uses fossil fuel. If you think your heating bill is high now, if you think it's expensive to fill up your car now, wait till you see what Obama’s new "global warming tax" will do to you.

Here's a quick sample of some of the costs the Heritage Foundation has discovered in the Obama plan. This bill would:

  • Reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $7.4 trillion,
  • Destroy 844,000 jobs on average, with peak years seeing unemployment rise by over 1,900,000 jobs,
  • Raise electricity rates 90 percent after adjusting for inflation,
  • Raise inflation-adjusted gasoline prices by 74 percent,
  • Raise residential natural gas prices by 55 percent,
  • Raise an average family's annual energy bill by $1,500, and
  • Increase inflation-adjusted federal debt by 29 percent, or $33,400 additional federal debt per person, again after adjusting for20inflation.

Muldoon is right. We cannot achieve energy independence by taxing to death the engine that drives our American capitalist system .

we fool ourselves into thinking that all Republicans are alike on this issue, remember that it was just last year that Virginia Senator John Warner cosponsored, with Joe Lieberman, a mirror image of the Obama “global warming tax.” Just a couple of weeks ago, Warner costarred with Al Gore in the sham global warming hearings before Congress, demanding passage of the new Obama tax.

The Republican Party must lead the way back to energy independence. The John Warner “compromise” path offers no future. We must explore our own vast God-given resources in this country. We cannot afford to be held hostage to Middle Eastern dictators who hate us, or to further deepen this recession by stifling the American economy to combat global warming, even as the globe's temperature begins to fall!

Muldoon is right. We cannot solar power and wind power our way into the future. If Republicans do not begin to stand up and boldly proclaim the differences between us and Obama, this nation will lose both its wealth and its freedom.
Pat Muldoon was the first candidate to sign Americans for Prosperity's pledge to oppose any energy bill that would increase our taxes. His willingness to confront the critical issues of our time, and to propose solid conservative solutions rather than watered down imitations of Democratic policies, helps to point the way back toward a Republican majority again. Congressional Republicans would do well to heed his advice.