Virginia Sons of Liberty- What we're about

We want to introduce you to the Virginia Sons of Liberty. Our mission is to defend every detail of our Constitutional freedoms, to hold our politicians accountable to defend those freedoms, and to motivate American patriots to take back our culture and our heritage of freedom.

We will be highlighting efforts by politicians in Washington and Richmond to undermine our freedoms, and supporting those who defend our liberties. For the next two weeks, much of our focus will be on the upcoming Virginia Republican convention, where crucial decisions will be made for the future of the Republican Party in Virginia. But after May 30, we will be offering action plans, spotlighting legislation that deserves your support or opposition, and offering a clear conservative vision for a return to the majority in America.

May we again be the shining city on a hill that President Reagan envisioned!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stanley Seems to Offer a Distinct Contrast to the Obama Socialists.

Franklin County GOP chairman Bill Stanley recently kicked off his campaign for Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia with a stirring call to basic values. Rather than preaching the old "Big Tent" nonsense the press preaches, if his words are an indication of his values, Stanley seems to offer a distinct contrast to the Obama socialists. Read some excerpts from his announcement speech below and see if they don't strike a chord.

"Because Republicans love America, we must not abandon or discount the core beliefs that are essential to the future success and prosperity of our nation. Conservative principles that require an adherence to fiscal responsibility and limited government will never be outmoded. Traditional values that respect the foundations of Western Civilization and faith in God will never be obsolete."

"If Republicans are going to win elections, we must have the confidence of our convictions and a willingness to promote them at every level of government. And, we cannot abandon those convictions simply because they are unfashionable among those who enjoy an elite status in American society."

"People do not hold conservative principles and believe in traditional values because they are fashionable. They adhere to their core convictions because they are proven, having served mankind well for thousands of years and being a way of life for a majority of our countrymen."

"The Republican Party of Virginia can only succeed if it wholeheartedly embraces the core beliefs of its volunteers, activists and members. Those who comprise our grassroots are proud of their beliefs, confident in their convictions, and unafraid of the future. They deserve a party that reflects and represents them, promoting their principles and values to the entire Commonwealth."

If this is the shape of things to come at RPV, we see a renewed majority in the future!