Virginia Sons of Liberty- What we're about

We want to introduce you to the Virginia Sons of Liberty. Our mission is to defend every detail of our Constitutional freedoms, to hold our politicians accountable to defend those freedoms, and to motivate American patriots to take back our culture and our heritage of freedom.

We will be highlighting efforts by politicians in Washington and Richmond to undermine our freedoms, and supporting those who defend our liberties. For the next two weeks, much of our focus will be on the upcoming Virginia Republican convention, where crucial decisions will be made for the future of the Republican Party in Virginia. But after May 30, we will be offering action plans, spotlighting legislation that deserves your support or opposition, and offering a clear conservative vision for a return to the majority in America.

May we again be the shining city on a hill that President Reagan envisioned!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Corrected Links

We apologize for some faulty links in the previous post regarding the guidebooks.

Below, we have corrected these for your convenience.

"Frankly, the Lieutenant Governor has not seen the guidebook and it would have made no difference to him" click here

"We are sorry this has occurred and wish it had not happened. We have contacted the publisher of the guidebook and extended an apology for the cancellation of the order" click here

the campaigns statement was praised by

Mr. Muldoon's proposal to defend traditional marriage can be seen here